Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Boxing Day: Wednesday, 26 December, 2012

A cool start to the day.

07:03am with mileage of 026,963 kilometers.

Decided to ride to Tagaytay / Silang, and perhaps stop for coffee en route. The traffic was reasonable but with the inevitable tricycles, jeepneys, etc., progress was only moderate. Stopped for Peso 300 worth of 95 Octane at a Petron station and continued climbing towards Lake Taal. The weather ahead was not looking good - it was getting decidedly cooler and the rain clouds were thickening. After another 5 minutes or so I decided a quick U turn was in order!I returned to the farm using the same route - this is never as satisfying as a circular route. However it was a good run for the R1150R and was I thankful for the heated grips (never thought I would be needing these in the Philippines)!

Felt significantly cooler towards Lake Taal

U turn and return by same route

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Naïc, Cavite: Friday, 22 December, 2012

I set-off about 4:30pm and decided to ride to Naic, Cavite to visit the farm owned and being developed by a good friend. The ride was quite slow travelling towards Trece Martinez but once Governor's Drive was reached the road was wide and relatively traffic free. I spent a few minutes roaming the farm and then returned home. Dusk had fallen and I rode in the dark for the last few minutes. This was, I believe, the first time for me to ride the R1150R in the dark. To be frank, I was not overly impressed with the lights. This I am sure is due the age of the motorcycle as my Kawasaki has significantly stronger lights. 

Nevertheless, a hugely enjoyable ride in wonderful weather. Here's looking forward to the next opportunity. 
Lovely evening ride
Mileage at friend's farm 026,942 kilometers.

This had been the first ride for the R1150R for quite sometime. In the intervening period the motorcycle has been covered, left on the Optimate charger, and started periodically. Upon inspection, all was well with the exception that the oil level window was cloudy and opaque. I'm not sure why and will take to the dealer for a checkup after the holiday season. I posted a comment about this on r1150r.net discussion forum. The response was helpful and confirmed that seeing water in your oil comes from condensation. Occasionally running on the center stand is really not doing the motorcycle any favors. When you run it you need to take it out for a good 30 minute ride (at least) to burn the condensation out of the oil. I will change the oil and filter, and get the contaminated oil out of the motor, at the earliest opportunity.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Alfonzo: Sunday, 28 October 2012

26,845 Kilometers at start of day.

A 6:50am start and my first ride on my R1150R for nearly three months.

The BMW started easily and was left to tick-over for a few minutes for the engine to warm-up. It had been left on the Optimate charger with the driver starting it every month. Oil level and tire pressures checked.

My ride took me through Trece Martirez, Indang, Amadeo to Tagaytay and Alfonzo.

Old bridge now in poor state of repair
New bridge
Beautiful Indang Region

The mileage in bike upon return was 026,915 kilometers

Friday, August 3, 2012

Tagaytay: Friday 3 August 2013

Motorcycle had magically been cleaned overnight and was looking ready for another adventure. Departed at 6:55am in lovely sunshine. Rode through Trece Martirez and Indang but I had forgotten about rush hour in the provinces. There was much traffic with many people, jeeps and tricycles blocking the small provincial roads. However the traffic soon cleared and it was pleasant until the rains started. I stopped at a petrol station for gasoline and to shelter. The motorcycle had consumed 6.48 liters of gasoline over approximately 93 kilometers (mileage was 26,759 at gasoline station). At this time it seemed appropriate to wear my Rev-It rain jacket and trousers as it was sure to rain again at sometime during the day.

Sheltering in Gasoline Station
8:55am and feeling hungry so stopped at Santis deli-cafe in Silang. Scrambled eggs, breakfast sausage, orange juice, toast and coffee.
Tasty Breakfast
Breakfast was very tasty with the sausage made by Santis at their main office in Yakal Street (as advised by the charming waitress). Explored the deli after eating and bought a bottle of wine along with bread and rack of lamb for barbecue later in the day.

The return to the farm was pleasant with no mishaps. Arrived at 10:45am with mileage of 26,845 kilometers, and started planting.
Pepper and Papaya seed planting
After all the handwork of taking pictures of people working, I retired for my lamb dinner:
Beetroot and spring onion from Farm Garden

Makati: Thursday, 2 August 2012

The R1150R had been left on the Optimate charger and, prior to my arrival, the driver had disconnected the charger, cleaned the motorcycle, and run it for 10-15 minutes. It looked good and ready to go.

Stored with Optimate charger
I packed my Kriega bag with papers for the Bank, my various cards and IDs, and my Rev-It rain jacket. It had rained heavily overnight and whilst not raining this morning, I decided to wear the Rev-It rain trousers as I felt sure there would be some flooding en route.

Departed at 09:55am with mileage 26,656 kilometers. Travelled through Tanza, filled up with 95 octane at Petron CEPX at a cost of Peso 495. Reached HSBC Makati at 10:57am. Parked in a motorcycle park and paid 20 peso for 1 hr parking - left HSBC at 11:30am to look for SMX near Mall of Asia.

Not able to find SMX so decided to return home for lunch. The rain had held-off all the morning and the weather was quite pleasant. However, while riding along the coastal road extension I could see storm clouds over Cavite City heading across the sea directly towards me. There was absolutely no shelter. The wind increased significantly and temperature dropped considerably. I felt a soaking was imminent.
Rain storm moving quickly towards me
I could see a wall of torrential rain about 100m from the toll booth. There was no option other than to ride into it. I reached the booth, paid the toll, and waited under the cover of the booth until the rain stopped.

The rain soon stopped and the return to the farm was uneventful and pleasant. Returned at 1:20pm with mileage of 26,739 kilometers. Hope the rain will stay away tomorrow and I can ride some more.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tagaytay: Monday, 7 May 2012

I was able to spend a long weekend on the farm and took the opportunity to ride to Tagaytay. This is such a lovely ride I feel it will be come a regular. I decided it was prudent to allow the tricycle to cross the bridge before I ventured on! The bridge is along the road from Indang to Amadeo and is to be replaced by a newly constructed concrete bridge in the near future.

Had a excellent lunch of chicken salad and tuna wrap at the Gourmet Cafe. Their local coffee is also well worth trying. After this, returned via Silang for an afternoon siesta (the previous night was a full moon and didn't sleep too well):

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tagaytay: Sunday, 15 April 2012

6:00am depart for Taal Valcano via Indang. I was surprised how good the roads were, concrete covered in asphalt. As a result the ride was smooth, comfortable and fun. It was, however, very cool and the temperature reduced as I climbed the 600+ meters towards the volcano rim - was glad to have the Rev-It jacket but next time may also need the inner lining.

 Motorcycle was carefully garaged (work in progress and after pictures of bespoke motorcycle garage) for my next return to the Philippines and, hopefully, new and exciting bike rides.

Mileage on return 26,570